

Dammstrasse 14
64331 Weiterstadt-Gräfenhausen
Tel: +49 (0)6150 59198-30
Fax: +49 (0)6150 59198-88

Company legal status: GmbH
Managing Director: Mr. Patrick Haber
Location and postal address of the company: Dammstrasse 14
D-64331 Weiterstadt- Gräfenhausen, Germany

Court of legal registration: Amtsgericht (District Court) Darmstadt
HRB 8014

Identity Number for VAT/Turnover Tax (Umsatzsteuer): DE 813115354

Exclusion of liability:

1. Content of online information
Robolution GmbH [ hereinafter referred to as „Robolution“ ] assumes no liability whatsoever for the current validity, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information made available here. All liability claims against Robolution which are based on any form of material or intellectual damages arising in consequence of the use of, or failure to use, the information offered here, or from the use of faulty or incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, provided that it cannot be demonstrated that Robolution is at fault through deliberate or grossly negligent actions. All offers are subject to change without notice and non-binding. Robolution specifically retains the right to change parts of this website or its entire content without specific prior notification, to extend it, to delete items, to suspend the publication of this material from time to time or to cancel it permanently.

2. Cross-references and links
Robolution reserves the right to make reference to links to the content of other websites. All liability for the content of these other websites, and in particular for any damage which may arise in consequence of the use of, or failure to use, such information as may be offered in this way, shall remain entirely within the responsibility of the provider of these other websites. Robolution checks other websites only at the time when the initial link is established. All subsequent alterations remain within the responsibility of the provider of the relevant information.

3. Other liability & Viruses
Although Robolution constantly strives to ensure that the content of its offer of products and services in the Internet remains free from viruses, Robolution cannot guarantee that it is free from viruses. Before downloading data from this site, the user is therefore obliged, for the purpose of self-protection, to make provision for appropriate security measures and virus scanners.

4. Copyright
All text, images and other creative elements published within this Internet site are [ unless otherwise indicated ] subject to the copyright of Robolution. Any duplication, dissemination, storage, transmission, mailing, reproduction or retransmission of its content is forbidden without the express written permission of Robolution.

5. Legal validity of this exclusion of liability 
This exclusion of liability shall be regarded as part of this offer of products and services in the Internet, whose content makes reference to these pages. In as much as any parts of this text or individual formulations within it do not, no longer or only incompletely correspond with the current legal status, the remaining parts of this document shall be unaffected by this in terms of their content or their validity.

6. Legal jurisdiction
For the use of this Internet site of Robolution GmbH, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.